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Asked by: Esneda Emiliani
religion and spirituality christianityHow did Paul get Roman citizenship?
Thereof, how did a person become a Roman citizen?
During the Republic, citizens could not hold anyother citizenship. A provincial who became a Romanhad to relinquish his city citizenship. A person whoabsented himself from the census was considered incensus andsubject to the severest punishment including being sold as a slave,imprisonment, death.
In this way, was Peter a Roman citizen?
According to Christian tradition, Peter wascrucified in Rome under Emperor Nero. He is traditionallycounted as the first Bishop of Rome—orpope—and also by Eastern Christian tradition asthe first Patriarch of Antioch.
Paul follows his introduction with a flatteringgreeting to the Roman church, and expresses his desire topreach in Rome someday. Paul gives a summary of the theme ofhis letter: “The Gospel . . . is the power of God forsalvation to everyone who has faith, to the Jew first and also tothe Greek.