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Asked by: Vitaliana Drabble
religion and spirituality astrologyHow did Prometheus give fire to man?
Similarly, when did Prometheus give man fire?
Prometheus, however, stole fire back in a giant fennel-stalk and restored it to humanity (565–566). This further enraged Zeus, who sent the first woman to live with humanity (Pandora, not explicitly mentioned).
Correspondingly, how did Prometheus steal the fire?
Prometheus' Crime Olympus and stole fire, and by hiding it in a hollow fennel-stalk, he gave the valuable gift to man which would help him in life's struggle. The Titan also taught man how to use their gift and so the skill of metalwork began; he also came to be associated with science and culture.
Prometheus was the son of a Titan, one of the giant elder gods of Greek mythology. Enraged, Zeus had Prometheus chained to a rock in the mountains, where an eagle came every day and gnawed his liver. This went on for 30 years until the hero Hercules slew the bird, ending Prometheus's torment.