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Asked by: Zaira Borovsky
news and politics war and conflictsHow did Russia move from a Czarist to a communist regime?
Then, what event led to the communist control of Russia?
Bolshevik Revolution On November 6 and 7, 1917 (or October 24 and 25 ontheJulian calendar, which is why the event is often referredtoas the October Revolution), leftist revolutionaries ledbyBolshevik Party leader Vladimir Lenin launched a nearlybloodlesscoup d'état against the Duma'sprovisionalgovernment.
Furthermore, why did Austria Hungary object to Serbia's desire?
The reason why Austria-HungaryopposedSerbia's desire to establish an independent stateisthat the rising nationalism in Serbia wasthreatening to theAustro-Hungarian empire. Moreover,the empire thoughtthat the nationalism could spread to other Slaviccountries, andwork as a unifying force against theempire.
Great Britain entered World War I on4August 1914 when the king declared war after theexpirationof an ultimatum to Germany. The official explanationfocused onprotecting Belgian neutrality, and The main reason,however, was toprevent a French defeat that would have left Germanyin control ofWestern Europe.