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Asked by: Keesha Komencia
news and politics weatherHow did the big freeze affect Florida's economy?
According to Florida Citrus Mutual, this freeze was so severe that it is considered an impact freeze. This indicates that the freeze, “annihilate[d] entire groves across the state, killing both mature and young citrus trees, while causing a profound economic impact on the citrus industry and…
Also, how often does it freeze in Florida?
about once every ten years
Then, when was the Great Freeze?
The first severe cold weather event of Florida's Great Freeze swept over the state on December 29, 1894. By midnight, December 30, 1895, the devastating impacts were being felt.
The further north in Florida you are, it tends to be slightly less humid. So technically, places like Jacksonville (coastal, northern) are the best bet but again, it's pretty much all humid. Bmurphy is correct, the closes to the coast less humidity.