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Asked by: Mubarak Steinecke
sports hunting and shootingHow did the Plains Indians hunt the buffalo?
Keeping this in view, how did Indians hunt buffalo before horses?
Before the coming of the horse, buffalo were hunted using either a buffalo jump or a corral. The corral or impound method involved building a timber corral and enticing the buffalo into it so that they could be killed. The Plains Cree used the impound for their winter buffalo hunt.
In this regard, how did the natives use the buffalo?
Every part of the buffalo was used to supply the needs of the Native Americans. Buffalo skin could be used to make tipis, clothes, moccasins, bedding, parflèches, saddle covers and water-bags. Dried buffalo dung provided fuel for fires. Buffalo horns and hooves were made into cups.
The buffalo was the most important natural resource of the Plains Indians. They hunted many kinds of animals, but it was the buffalo which provided them with all of their basic needs: food, clothing, and shelter. The Plains Indian Culture followed the buffalo migration-or movement of the buffalo.