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Asked by: Richart Sorrenti
hobbies and interests paintingHow did Vincent van Gogh use lines in his artwork?
In respect to this, how did Vincent van Gogh use the elements of art?
Van Gogh used thick, expressive brushstrokes to show movement or rhythm. Rhythm is a principle of design. It refers to a regular repetition of elements of art to create a feeling of movement. Movement is the way a viewer's eye moves through an artwork.
how did Vincent van Gogh use linear perspective?
Vincent determined to use a form of three point perspective. As the vectors in the field ( diagonal recessional lines) moved back in space he altered the position of the central vanishing point. This is a standard application of linear perspective.
Lithography is a form of printing where an image is painted or drawn on to a flat stone surface using oily paint and water. These substances repel so that when paper is laid on top, an imprint of the image remains. Van Gogh created a black and white lithograph entitled “Old Man with his Head in His Hands” in 1882.