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Asked by: Lissette Kenley
hobbies and interests paintingHow did Vincent van Gogh use mark making?
Subsequently, one may also ask, how did Vincent van Gogh use lines in his artwork?
Van Gogh uses circular and energetic lines to create his work, varying the thick and thinness of line to create absracted elements of nature, by using large amounts of paint to create a very textured look as if the brushstrokes and paint are coming right off the canvas.
People also ask, what media did Vincent van Gogh use?
Painting Drawing Watercolor painting Printmaking
Van Gogh is generally regarded as the greatest Dutch painter since Rembrandt despite the fact that he did not become famous until after his death. His influence on Expressionism, Fauvism and early abstraction was remarkable and some of his paintings rank among the most expensive ever sold at auction.