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Asked by: Jakob Saltzmann
home and garden indoor environmental qualityHow do air conditioners harm the environment?
Keeping this in view, how is AC harmful to the environment?
Air conditioning is said to make the environmenteven hotter due to its contribution to global warming. They have anegative impact on the environment as they are part of thegreenhouse gases that trap heat and lead to depletion of the ozonelayer.
Also asked, are AC eco friendly?
While overusing air conditioners can have a negativeimpact on the environment, it's impossible to live inFlorida without air conditioning. You can however make the switchto eco friendly air conditioning which will help you loweryour carbon footprint while enjoying the comforts of refreshinglycool air.
That's because like other greenhouse gases, HFCscontribute to global warming. But mostly, they're not coming fromyour air-conditioner, though air-conditioning posesother environmental problems. So we're here to answer somequestions you might have about HFCs, air-conditioning andthis new treaty.