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Asked by: Guilhem Tugujekov
home and garden indoor environmental qualityHow do air to water heat pumps work?
Accordingly, how efficient are air to water heat pumps?
An air to water heat pump typically costs 50% to 60% less to heat your home than a tradition fossil fuel system such as an oil or gas boiler. Put simply the 'efficiency' of an air to water heat pump is from 320% to 400% or more where as even a condensing boiler has an efficiency of only 92%.
Additionally, what is the best air to water heat pump?
According to the test result, Thermia Atec is the heat pump that delivers the biggest overall savings. Moreover, Thermia Atec has top results in terms of hot water temperature, low noise levels and low energy losses. The test results in brief – Thermia ATEC: Has the highest annual efficiency.
If you are impatient, I won't make you wait; heat pumps don't work well below 25-30 degrees Fahrenheit. But what you might not know is that the heat pump temperature range is broader than most people think, and with the addition of supplemental heating it can work even in the chilliest of temperatures.