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Asked by: Verginica Martin Sierra
home and garden home appliancesHow do bugs get into refrigerator?
Similarly one may ask, can bugs get in your fridge?
Most likely, they found their way into your fridge or freezer through organic matter like fruits and vegetables. They can also crawl or fly in, as well. The best way to not get kitchen bugs is through prevention. When you are back from grocery shopping, wash all of your produce before you put it away in the fridge.
Similarly, it is asked, how do bugs get in refrigerator?
Gnats, flies, ants, and roaches are the most common bugs that can get into your fridge. They can enter your refrigerator through crevices, cracks, or some broken corners. If you shop at a food store or supermarket that has a bug problem, you may be bringing these pests home with you unintentionally.
Adult flies normally live for 2 to 4 weeks but can hibernate during the winter. I would say as long ur refrigerator temperature not setting too low,it will slow down their development.