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Asked by: Marlin El Allam
events and attractions theater venues and eventsHow do electrochemical carbon monoxide detectors work?
Also question is, how long does it take for carbon monoxide detector to work?
An alarm's response time will vary depending on the level of carbon monoxide in the air. For example, an alarm will sound after three and a half hours of continuous exposure at a level of 50 PPM, but after only eight minutes of continuous exposure at a level of 400 PPM.
Besides, how do carbon monoxide detectors work chemistry?
Inside the carbon monoxide alarm is a small sensor with three electrodes on it. These three electrodes lead into a container of a chemical called the electrolyte. It uses this to measure the amount of carbon monoxide: the more of it there is in the air, the more current the sensor generates.
They are NOT required to warn of low-levels of CO. The UL standard requires detectors to alarm within 90 minutes when exposed to 100 ppm; 35 minutes when exposed to 200 ppm and 15 minutes when exposed to 400 ppm. Some detectors are more sensitive and will, when exposed for many hours, detect or alarm at lower levels.