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Asked by: Deimante Cabellos
music and audio games and hobbies podcastsHow do graveyard keepers grow grapes?
Keeping this in view, where do I get seeds in graveyard keeper?
Carrot seed. Carrot seeds can be planted in empty garden beds in the farming space below the workyard known as the Kitchen Garden. To obtain carrot seeds you must purchase them from the Farmer afterward you can get some number of seeds back each time you harvest the fully grown crop.
Also to know, how do I get the graveyard keeper science?
Before you are able to obtain more Science Points you must first reach level 5 with your graveyard. Once this is complete the Bishop will unlock the church and you can begin casting Sermons in order to earn more money, attract more followers and earn some Faith. You can also access the Church Basement.
In order to get your hands on Oil In Graveyard Keeper you can do one of two things, either buy it or make it yourself. To buy Oil, head East alongside the dirt path outside of the Dead Horse Tavern in the Village until you come across a bunch of old stone ruins.