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Asked by: Sharon Ganchegui
personal finance credit cardsHow do I activate my Bluebird prepaid card?
Similarly one may ask, is Bluebird a prepaid card?
Bluebird Prepaid Debit Card Bluebird, offered by American Express, is aprepaid debit card with virtually no fees. Itfunctions almost like a checking account, making it a usefulsubstitute for consumers who don't have a bankaccount.
Besides, can I add funds to my temporary Bluebird card?
Your Bluebird Temporary Card is not a gift,credit, debit or charge card, and does not constitutea checking, savings or other demand deposit account. TheBluebird Temporary Card is not a payroll card andcannot be used to make payroll to anyone.
Ata Walmart register, you can add up to $1,999 per day forfree, and the money will be available immediately. Youcan also load checks worth up to $2,500 on the card viathe Bluebird mobile app.