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Asked by: Maisaa Deriglazov
technology and computing desktop publishingHow do I add Lorem Ipsum to Word?
Accordingly, how do I insert a dummy text in Word?
To generate the text, simply open a newblankdocument and type the command =rand(p,s), where p is thenumber ofparagraphs you want and s is the number of sentences perparagraph.Then press Enter, and Word will createthetext. (For this to work, the autocorrect while typingoptionmust be active.
Similarly, it is asked, what is a placeholder text in Word?
In computer programming, a placeholder isacharacter, word, or string of characters that may be usedtotake up space until such a time that the space is needed.Forexample, a programmer may know that she needs a certain numberofvalues or variables, but doesn't yet know whattoinput.
Dummy text is text that is used inthepublishing industry or by web designers to occupy the spacewhichwill later be filled with 'real' content. This is requiredwhen,for example, the final text is notyetavailable.