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There are many easy to care for aquarium plants whichiswhat we will focus on here.
- Step 1: Which live plants should I choose?
- Step 2: Preparing your tank.
- Step 3: Adding substrate and gravel.
- Step 4: Add some water.
- Step 5: Add your ornaments / hardscape features.
- Step 6: Preparing the plants.
- Step 7: Time to plant.
Similarly, can you add plants to an established aquarium?
Yes, you can add plants to plain inertgravelwithout emptying the tank. As long as the plant doesnotrequire a nutrient rich substrate. It's also possible to changethesubstrate using Eco Complete without tearing down tank.Ifyou get the plants from a reliable source then(knownmembers) then it's usually no worry.
- Pack some heavier rocks around the plant's base.
- Tie the plant to something, like a large rock ordriftwood.
- Wrap the plant around driftwood.
- Keep them in their pots.
- Use plant anchors.
- Nylon Mesh.
Regarding this, what kind of plants can you put in a fish tank?
10 Best Freshwater Aquarium Plants
- Java Moss.
- Amazon Sword.
- Java Fern.
- Anubias and Anubias Nana.
- Crypt Wendtii.
- Cryptocorynes.
- Pygmy Chain Sword.
- Water Wisteria.
Inshort,yes. Certain species of aquatic flora can growingravel.