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Asked by: Dallas Zschegel
technology and computing web design and htmlHow do I add twitter icon to my website?
Accordingly, can I use the twitter logo on my website?
Never use Twitter logos or icons as yourown.Please don't incorporate Twitter's marks, in whole orinpart, in the name of your company, product,service,website, domain name, application,orwebsite.
- Visit the Like Box page on the Facebook developer page.
- Click “Get Code”
- Copy the code, and paste it onto your webpage where you'dlikethe button (there's two sections of code, both go in thebodysection of the webpage).
In respect to this, how do I share a picture on twitter from a website?
Twitter Cards pull the image from themetatags similar to facebook sharing. To create a Twittersharelink with a photo, you first need to tweet outthephoto from your Twitter account. Once you'vetweetedit out, you need to grab the link andplacethat inside your twitter share url.
Embedding on your website Go to the post URL if you have it, or you can searchforthe username on, visit their profile, andthenclick the post to expand it. Click the more [] buttonandselect "Embed". This will open a dialog where you can get theHTMLembed code.