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Asked by: Soledad Gulkin
business and finance construction industryHow do I apply for Weld Crete?
Also question is, how do you use Weld Crete?
Weld-Crete® can be applied by brush, roller, or spray. Do not dilute. When using spray equipment, the nozzle should permit a fog-type spray. Weld-Crete® should be applied in a thin, continuous, film.
Also Know, how do you use a plaster welder?
Application of bonding agent: Apply Plaster-Weld® uniformly using brush roller, or spray to form a continuous pink film over the entire surface. Allow to dry one hour. (NOTE: Painted surfaces must be sound, washable and firmly adhered to the substrate. Glossy painted surfaces should be dulled with an abrasive.
as far as I know, Bondcrete is a PVA. I recall my own father -- a highly trained industrial chemist -- using PVA wood glue as a substitute for Bondcrete. Bondcrete has been used for years in the building industry but there is better products available now.