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Asked by: Clinton Macwan
careers vocational trainingHow do I become a medical executive assistant?
- Medical Executive Assistant Career Info.DegreeLevel.
- Gain Experience and Training. Medicalexecutiveassistants often begin their careers as secretaries inadoctor's office or other medical facility.
- Enroll in a Postsecondary Training Program.
- Obtain Employment.
- Get Certified.
Keeping this in consideration, what does a medical executive assistant do?
Administrative medical assistants areresponsiblefor a multitude of tasks that include communicating withpatients,scheduling appointments, electronic medical coding,filinginsurance claims, maintaining records, as well as accountingandbilling.
Just so, how long does it take to become a certified medical administrative assistant?
How long does it taketobecome a medical administrative assistant?Ourmedical administrative assistant associate degreeprogrammay be completed in 18 months and the diploma program in 11months(both may vary according to individual student).
The required level of education needed tobegineducational training as a medical administrativeassistantis a high school diploma or GED equivalency. Although,manymedical assistant professionals complete amedicalassisting program through a vocational school orcommunitycollege.