Asked by: Sukhjinder Lindt
medical health first aid

How do I become a Red Cross lifeguard instructor trainer?

Prerequisites: To participate in the Lifeguarding Instructor course, you must: Be at least 17 years of age on the last day of the instructor course. Possess either: Current Red Cross certificate for Lifeguarding/First Aid/CPR/AED.

In respect to this, how do I become a Red Cross instructor trainer?

In order to participate in this course, you must possess a current basic-level American Red Cross Adult CPR/AED (or higher level) certification or equivalent and be at least 16 years of age on the last day of the instructor course.

Also Know, how much do Red Cross instructors get paid? Salary: $225.00 to $275.00 /day.

Furthermore, how do you become a certified lifeguard instructor?

To become certified as a Lifeguarding instructor, instructor candidates must:

  1. Successfully complete the Online Session.
  2. Successfully complete the Prerequisite Session.
  3. Attend and actively participate in all course sessions.
  4. Successfully complete class activities, including the four practice-teaching assignments.

How much does it cost to be a CPR instructor?

Corporate CPR Training Costs Vary We offer a variety of CPR courses depending on the needs of the group. Since the cost per person for a traditional CPR course ranges from $75 to $300 or more, depending on the level of certification desired, you'll see that the costs for group courses yield significant savings.

Related Question Answers

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What is AED training?

CPR and AED training are two different steps in the process of saving the life of someone suffering from cardiac arrest. “AED” stands for automated external defibrillator and there is a big difference between CPR and AED training even though both are usually covered in the same class.

Uzuri Brasch


What can a lifeguard instructor teach?

The American Red Cross Lifeguard Instructor course trains instructor candidates to teach American Red Cross Lifeguarding, Shallow Water Lifeguarding, Aquatic Attraction Lifeguarding, Waterfront Skills, Waterpark Skills, First Aid, CPR/AED for Professional Rescuers, Administering Emergency Oxygen and Bloodborne

Ferencz Imsieke


How much can you make teaching CPR classes?

According to latest salary surveys, a BLS/CPR Instructor can make an average annual salary of $57K, ranging from $49K to $65K based on the city or state you are located in. According to, the average salary of a CPR Instructor is about $52,790 annually or $25.38 hour.

Karole Ojeda


Can you teach CPR without certification?

It is Illegal to Perform CPR without a License: FALSE.
You don't have to hold a CPR certification to give a victim CPR, but you should have a basic understanding of what you're doing before getting started. 9-1-1 rescue operators walk people through this process all the time.

Enedina Barragans


How do I become a first aid instructor?

Demonstrate an ability to teach safe, fun and interactive courses. Complete an online module as preparation for the teaching experience. Successfully complete a co-teach (up to 3 attempts) in a Standard First Aid and CPR level C/AED course with a Teaching Experience Supervisor (lesson plan required).

Thao Wassmund


How long is Red Cross CPR instructor certification good for?

Designed for those whose credentials are still valid but near expiration, our abbreviated CPR renewal courses take less time than our standard CPR classes, and allow you to maintain certification for an additional two years.

Ibrahem Kroess


How do I get my Red Cross certification?

Go to to search by email, name or cert ID. Check the box next to the certificate(s), click on “view and print” to display the certificate and “print” to obtain a hard copy. Go to to search by email, name or cert ID.

Osmar Ensel


What does BLS stand for?

Basic Life Support

Tran Verga


How hard is lifeguard training?

Lifeguard training is underrated in how difficult it is. Of course, you will need to gain a lifeguarding qualification –the National Pool Lifeguard Qualification (NPLQ). The truth is, the test you need to pass to gain your NPLQ is intensive. It requires specialist training in order to be successful.

Isona De Llave


How much is a lifeguard certification?

Becoming a lifeguard does require an initial investment of time and money. Certification courses cost anywhere from $150 to $500, and take upwards of 30 hours to complete.

Raphael Pulvermacher


What is the lifeguard test?

During this test, you will be required to continuously swim 300 yards, either front crawl or breast stroke. You are also required to tread water for two minutes without the use of your hands. Once you've've demonstrated you can swim, you will be required to complete the lifeguard brick test.

Pearlie Llongo


Can you get lifeguard certified online?

It is an online program that uses videos, manuals, and exams that can you can achieve on your own and at your own pace. Upon successful completion, you will become a certified lifeguard through the American Lifeguard Association, which is a nationally recognized organization.

Qiaoyan Arrasate


What is the Red Cross lifeguard test?

The American Red Cross lifeguard test offers a detailed examination of your knowledge and comprehension of both our written lifeguarding requirements and protocol as well as valuable hands-on skills and experience.

Maile Sluijter


What's included in an LGI certification?

These include: Lifeguarding, Shallow Water Lifeguarding, Aquatic Attraction Lifeguarding, Waterfront Skills, Waterpark Skills, First Aid, CPR/AED for Professional Rescuers, Administering Emergency Oxygen and Bloodborne Pathogens.

Marjan Getman


What shoes do lifeguards wear?

Footwear. Flip-flop sandals are a prudent choice among lifeguards for practicality and ease of removal. Water socks offer additional slip-resistance and provide added toe protection from debris and litter, a bonus if your lifeguard job is outdoors. Avoid tennis shoes, which may be functional but offer no waterproofing.

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What are the requirements to be a lifeguard at the YMCA?

Must be at least age 16 for YMCA Lifeguard certification. Tread water for 2 minutes using legs only then swim 100 yards front crawl.

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How much does the Red Cross pay employees?

American Red Cross pays its employees an average of $55,958 a year. Salaries at American Red Cross range from an average of $36,197 to $93,025 a year.

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What qualification do you need to teach first aid?

All first aid instructors require a current First Aid at Work (or equal) qualification unless they are a registered nurse or paramedic, plus they are required to hold a teaching and assessing qualification.

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How do you become a American Heart Association instructor?

1. Be accepted by a local AHA Training Center before enrolling in an Instructor Course and have a completed Instructor Candidate Application on file with that Training Center. 2. Have current AHA provider status in the discipline for that Instructor Course and be proficient in all the skills of that discipline.