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Asked by: Ariane Gorchak
business and finance business administrationHow do I become Togaf certified?
Considering this, how long does it take to get Togaf certification?
For course attendance the minimum duration is 4 daysor 28 hours of study for distance learning. The examinationtakes 2 hours.
Herein, is it worth getting Togaf certified?
TOGAF is a budget-friendly certification.TOGAF certification cost is just $320 for Foundationexam alone; you can also sign up to take both exams for$495. Even if you add in the costs of training courses,TOGAF certification value is a clear investment for yourfuture.
To achieve your TOGAF® certification, you mustpass both the Level 1 & Level 2 TOGAF exams. Fail one ofthese exams and you won't achieve an overall pass result -but you can retake the one you failed.