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Similarly, how do I figure out my average cycle length?
The answer is the date of the first day of yourlastperiod (not the day it ended). Ex.= February 2nd. Tofigureout how long your cycle is, start atcycle day 1of your last menstrual cycle and begincounting(Cycle day 1,2,3,4 and so forth). The length=thelast cycle day before you startedbleedingagain.
Also question is, how do I calculate my 28 day cycle?
Your menstrual cycle is the time from thefirstday of one period to the first day of yournextperiod. So if you have a 28-day cycle,ittakes 28 days to get from the beginning of oneperiodto the beginning of the next.
The length of your menstrual cycleisthe number of days from the first day of bleedinginyour last period, to the first day of bleedinginyour next. From this figure, subtract 14 daysfromthe end of your current cycle to determinetheapproximate day you ovulate.