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Asked by: Letitia Freiberger
technology and computing shareware and freewareHow do I call a US number from India?
To call United States from India, dial: 00 - 1 - Area Code- Land Phone Number 00 - 1 - 10 Digit Mobile Number
- 00 - Exit code for India, and is needed for making anyinternational call from India.
- 1 - ISD Code or Country Code of United States.
- Area code - There are 291 area codes in UnitedStates.
Similarly one may ask, how can I call USA for free from India?
You can sign up to use their services for free,and calls to any mobile or landline in the United States fromIndia are currently free of charge. You will simplydial the number and go! Skype also offers video-chatservices.
- Dial 9 + 011 + country code + city code (if applicable) + localnumber.
- Dial 9 + 00 to charge international calls to a creditcard.
- For international dialing assistance click here.
Beside above, how do I call a US number?
- Dial Access Number, Enter PIN(if not register for PIN Lessdialing)
- Dial 91 (Country Code for India)
- Dial the Phone Number. a. For Landline, dial STD Code (without0) + phone number. b. For Mobile, dial Phone number.