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Asked by: Abdelaati Huckel
technology and computing web conferencingHow do I cancel my GoToMyPC subscription?
In respect to this, how do you cancel a LogMeIn subscription?
To cancel your subscription plan, dothefollowing: Log in to the My Account pageat Under Billing in thelowernavigation, click Go to Billing. On the Subscriptionspage,click the Options icon in the upper-right corner of yourproductsubscription, then clickCancelSubscription.
Secondly, how much does GoToMyPC cost?
GoToMyPC has rasied the prices oftheirGoToMyPC remote access products. In some cases, raisingtheprice by nearly 3 times as much as what it usedtobe. For example, some shocked GoToMyPC customer's havesaidthat their annual cost for GoToMyPC's personalplanwould jump to $420/year (formerly$230/year).
A: GoToMyPC Corporate securityandencryption is built in and cannot be weakened by usersorintruders. A: GoToMyPC Corporate has end-to-end,128-bitAdvanced Encryption Standard (AES) encryptionbuiltin.