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Asked by: Eudald Grosshans
home and garden landscapingHow do I care for my basil plant in the winter?
You can freeze entire leaves in small batches in small plastic bags or chop them and place them in an ice cube tray with a bit of water. Or, mix the chopped basil with a bit of olive oil and then freeze in ice cube trays.
Herein, can basil survive winter indoors?
Overwintering Your Basil When winter approaches, you can dig up basil plants to overwinter them indoors. Choose plants with green and healthy-looking stems and leaves. Although basil plants grow slowly in the winter, they can remain healthy and green, and some plants may survive to move back outdoors in spring.
Subsequently, one may also ask, what is the lowest temperature basil plants can tolerate?
Basil grows best when daytime temperatures are consistently above 70 degrees Fahrenheit and night temperatures stay about 50 F, but it can survive and tolerate lower temperatures if there is no frost.
- Plant with seeds or a starter plant.
- Well-drained soil is good soil for basil.
- Keep the temperature fairly warm with lots of sunlight (at least six hours a day).
- Fertilize the soil about once a month if you're growing it indoors.
- Water often in hot weather.
- Prune it!
- Keep insects away.