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Asked by: Bistra Ivanova
technology and computing desktop publishingHow do I center a table horizontally in Powerpoint?
- Select the table.
- Select the Layout tab.
- Select the cells you want to modify.
- Click an alignment command to change thetextalignment in the table. The alignmentcommandsare:
Just so, how do you center a table in PowerPoint?
2 Answers. With the table selected, go totheLayout tab. In the Arrange group, click Align. Makesurethere's a check next to "Align to Slide" ThenchooseAlign Center and/or Align Middle tocenterleft/right and/or top/bottomrespectively.
- On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, pointtoAlign, and then click Grid Settings. Tip: You can alsoright-clickon an empty area of the slide (not a placeholder) or themarginaround the slide, and then click Grid and Guides.
- Do one or both of the following:
Herein, how do you center a chart horizontally in PowerPoint?
You can do this by distributing the objects horizontallyorvertically.
- Click and drag your mouse to form a selection box aroundtheobjects you want to align.
- From the Format tab, click the Align command.
- From the menu, select Distribute Horizontally orDistributeVertically.
- The objects will be distributed evenly.
Click and drag your mouse to form a selection boxaroundthe objects you want to align. From the Formattab,click the Align command, then select Align toSlideor Align Selected Objects. Click theAligncommand again, then select DistributeHorizontally orDistribute Vertically from the drop-down menuthatappears.