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Asked by: Clair Cendoia
technology and computing desktop publishingHow do I change my font style on Facebook?
Facebook settings don't allow users tochangefont size or style, but users can use browsersettingsand add-ons to create the viewing experiencetheywant.
Similarly, it is asked, how do you change the font style?
How to change the font on your Samsung device
- Go to Settings.
- Tap on Display>Screen zoom and font.
- Scroll down until your find Font Style.
- Pick the font you want and then confirm you want to set itassystem font.
- From there you can tap the “+” Downloadfontsbutton.
Herein, how do I change the font style on my iPhone?
Admittedly, Apple doesn't allow you to changefontstyle on iPhone/iPad; you can change thefontsize of your smartphone. You can simply do thefollowing: Step 1.On iOS 11 or later, go to Settings > Displayand Brightness >Text Size and adjust the slider toincrease or decrease thefont size.
Keep in mind that this will only change fonts withinthelauncher itself and that the app is fairly expensive.
- Go into the settings of Apex Launcher.
- Tap the “Home Screen” selection.
- Tap the “Layout and Style” option.
- Finally, tap the “Label Font” selection andpickwhich font you want to use for your home screen.