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Asked by: Aisa Stangl
shopping couponingHow do I change my mobile number on Instagram without login?
- Click on your profile pic from the upper-right ofany page to open your account menu.
- Click Settings from the account menu and selectthe Security tab.
- Click Edit next to your phone number to changeit.
Keeping this in consideration, how do I unlink my number from Instagram?
How to unlink Your Phone Number From Your InstagramAccount
- Now, verify your email.
- Go into settings, remove your number and then click the“X” on the right side of the screen.
- Congratulations you have now unlinked your Phone Number FromYour Instagram Account?
- Login to your Instagram.
- Go to your profile.
- Tap Edit Profile.
- Type in your information and tap Done (iPhone) or (Android) inthe top right. Instagram needs you to verify your phone with themafter you add it. When this is complete, you can add your Instagramaccount to Gramista Dashboard.
Then, how do I change my verification number on Instagram?
Change your phone number Click Settings from the account menu and select theSecurity tab. Click Edit next to your phone number tochange it. You'll be prompted to enter your password tocontinue.
If you're still able to log into yourInstagram account If you think your account has been hackedand you're still able to log in, here are some things youcan do to help keep your account secure: Change yourpassword or send yourself a password reset email. Revokeaccess to any suspicious third-partyapps.