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Asked by: Anahid Feuerherm
home and garden home appliancesHow do I change the oil in my Snapper lawn mower?
How to Change the Oil on a Snapper Rear Engine Riding Mower
- Lower the rear of the engine by placing bricks or wooden blocks under the front wheels of the mower.
- Loosen or remove the oil fill cap on the engine.
- Place a container with at least a 2 quart capacity under the end of the oil drain to catch the oil.
Also know, what kind of oil does my Snapper lawn mower use?
For Briggs & Stratton manufactured small engines, we recommend the use of Briggs & Stratton Warranty Certified mower oil for best performance in Snapper lawn mowers, tractors, snow blowers and other outdoor power products.
Likewise, people ask, how do I change the oil in my lawnmower?
- Step 1: Begin your mower's oil change with warm oil.
- Step 2: Remove the spark plug wire for safe lawn mower maintenance.
- Step 3: Clean the area around the oil tank.
- Step 4: Remove the dipstick and prepare to drain the oil.
- Step 5: Drain the Oil.
- Step 6: Return the mower to an upright position.
For best lawnmower engine performance, you should change oil after the first 5 hours of use for a new mower, then at least once every spring or summer mowing season or every 50 hours of operation, which ever comes first. Make sure you have the right supplies before you begin.