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Asked by: Zhiying Naimen
technology and computing smartphonesHow do I change the SIM card in my LG phone?
The SIM card is installed in the LG phone'sbatterycompartment, so you must remove the battery before removingthe SIMcard.
- Press and hold the "Power" button to shut off yourLGphone.
- Remove the phone's back cover.
- Lift up on the bottom of the battery to remove it.
- Slide the SIM card away from the slot toremoveit.
Correspondingly, how do I get the SIM card out of my LG phone?
Removing the SIM card
- Turn the phone off, then remove the back cover and thebattery(as demonstrated in the previous instructions).
- Locate the slot for the SIM card (the lower of the twoslotsabove the upper-right corner of the battery compartment) andgentlyslide the SIM card out to remove it.
In this regard, how do I remove SIM card from Android phone?
Doing so may harm the SIM card and/or the device.
- Ensure the device is powered off.
- Remove the Volume buttons/SIM tray (located on the right-edgeofthe device). With the display facing up, utilize your fingernailtopull out the tray.
- Remove the SIM card from the tray. If applicable, refertoInsert the SIM Card.
You can take the SIM card out,putit into another phone, and if someone calls yournumber, thenew phone will ring. You can also put adifferentSIM card in your unlocked phone, and yourphonewill then work with whatever phone number andaccount islinked to that card. In Europe, almost allphones areGSM.