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Asked by: Fen Goxendi
technology and computing photo editing softwareHow do I change the thumbnail on a picture?
How to Add/Change an App Thumbnail Image
- Step 1: Click the numbered dropdown arrow.
- Step 2: Click the pencil icon on the image you wanttochange.
- Step 3: Click "Edit Settings"
- Step 4: Click "Change" on Custom Tab Image.
- Step 5: Hover over thumbnail image &click"Edit"
- Step 6: Click "Choose File"
- Step 7 : Upload an image file.
Consequently, what is a thumbnail picture?
Thumbnail is a term used by graphic designersandphotographers for a small image representation of a largerimage,usually intended to make it easier and faster to look at ormanagea group of larger images.
Simply so, how do I change the thumbnail on a post on Facebook?
Changing the thumbnail when sharing a linkinFacebook
- Hover over Settings menu and select the Site option.
- Click the Meta-tags option.
- Save your changes.
Click the “Edit Info” button underthevideo description. Scroll to the VideoThumbnailssection. Click on a thumbnail that contains theimageat the start or end of the video clip. Click the“SaveChanges” button at the bottom of thepage.