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Correspondingly, how long does it take to charge the PlayStation Move controllers?
A: It takes approximately five hours tofullycharge a PlayStation Move motion controller (four hoursusingthe charging station). Once fully charged,youcan expect at a maximum 10 hours ofbatterylife.
- Step 1: Connect the mini-USB cable from your Move controllertoone of the 2 USB ports on the PS4.
- Step 2: Hold down the PS button on the controller to pair ittoyour console.
- Step 3: Choose a user profile.
- Step 4: You'll then return to the system menu, and will beableto continue playing.
Subsequently, one may also ask, how do I know if my PlayStation Move controller is charging?
Check to make sure charging port ispluggedin correctly to controller and console. Whenproperlyplugged in and charging, a flashing red lightshould appearuntil the controller is fully charged.When thebattery is fully charged, the redlight will stopflashing.
Turning the controllers on or off
- To turn the controller on, press the System button untilyouhear a beeping sound.
- To turn the controller off, press and hold the Systembuttonuntil you hear a beeping sound. When you quit the SteamVRapp, thecontrollers will automatically turn off.