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Asked by: Reagan Aswaldt
business and finance aviation industryHow do I check my reservation on American Airlines?
Consequently, how do I check my American Airlines flight?
Check in 24 hours beforeyourflight Check in beginning 24 hours and up to 45minutesbefore your flight (90 minutes for international).Yourrecord locator, or confirmation code, is a 6-letter codeincludedon your boarding pass and confirmationemail.
Considering this, how do I find my record locator for American Airlines?
Type them in and click “FindReservation“.That's it! You'll be able to see yourAmerican Airlinesflights and unique record locator.The recordlocator will be easy to spot near the top left ofthepage.
You can change hotel accommodations, addyourAAdvantage number to your flight, updateyourreservation, change your seat assignment and more bycallingone of our Reservation Specialistsat1-800-489-4810.