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Asked by: Danica Siborro
business and finance startupsHow do I claim an already claimed business on Yelp?
To begin the claim process, clickthe“Claim your business” button. Followtheeasy steps to find your business and createyourbusiness user account. To verify that you are the ownerofyour business, Yelp may call the number listedonyour business page and prompt you to enter averificationcode.
Likewise, what does claimed mean on yelp?
A claimed business page is one thathasbeen claimed by the owner or representative of thebusinessthrough our verification process. Claiming is free,and aclaimed page does not mean that thebusinessis an advertiser with Yelp.
Consequently, can I remove my business from yelp?
Simply put, there is no way to removeyourbusiness from Yelp. Users who want to post a reviewgeneratethe business listing, and while you can claimthelisting and manage it in some ways, business ownershavelimited power over their profile.
To cancel your non-term contractadvertisingprogram
- Visit the Billing page of Yelp for Business Owners fromthedesktop site.
- Under Current Products, select Edit, then select theproductsyou wish to cancel.