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Asked by: Luzdivina Bakshansky
medical health lung and respiratory healthHow do I clean my Vios nebulizer?
In respect to this, how do I clean my nebulizer?
Take apart the nebulizer cup and mouthpiece or mask.Wash these parts with warm soapy water using a milddetergent. Rinse all parts with warm water.
Cleaning and disinfecting procedure
- Take apart the nebulizer cup and mouthpiece or mask.
- Shake off the excess water and place the parts on a clean, drytowel.
Also Know, does a nebulizer need to be cleaned?
It is recommended to wash the parts of yournebulizer after each use, including the mouthpiece or mask,top piece, and medicine cup. To start, take the nebulizerapart by removing the tubing and setting it aside. Yournebulizer will also need a thorough cleaningonce a week.
If there is no mist coming out of yournebulizer it probably means that your compressor isn'tfunctioning properly or that particles too small for you to seehave attached themselves to key parts of the nebulizermechanism and are preventing it from working properly.