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Asked by: Teodolina Basil
home and garden home appliancesHow do I clean painted concrete driveway?
- Mix one part vinegar with two parts water.
- Dip the mop in the vinegar solution, and swish it acrosstheentire patio.
- Hose the vinegar solution off the patio.
- Let it air dry.
Also question is, what is the best way to clean painted concrete?
Some good cleaners include Castile soap,liquiddish detergent, stone cleaners and mild floor cleaners. Mixasolution, apply to floor with a wet mop and then rinsewitha mop dipped in clean water. To make yourconcretefloors resistant to future stains, apply aconcretesealant.
Accordingly, how do you clean a painted driveway?
Spray the entire driveway with water usingagarden hose sprayer. Dissolve 2 ½ ounces ofwashingsoda in a gallon of hot water. Alternatively,sprinkle powdereddishwashing detergent over the entiredriveway. Dip a deckbrush into the hot washing sodawater and scrub thedriveway, rewetting the brush asneeded.
Mix 1 cup of bleach, 1 cup of powdered laundrydetergentand 16 cups of hot water. Pour the solution over stainedand dirtyareas of the driveway. Work it in with a hardbristled brushand let it set for about 20 minutes. After that, setyour gardenhose sprayer to a high force and wash awaythesolution.