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Asked by: Conxita Loeches
technology and computing operating systemsHow do I clear the console in node JS?
It can be used with Python, Node JS or any Interpreter presumably that uses terminal. I tend to clear many times hence this is very handy. Instaed of doing clear in Gnome Terminal you can just do Ctrl + L , it has nothing to do with the REPL running. Just use CTRL + L on windows to clear the console.
In this regard, how do I clear the Windows console?
When you need to clear your screen, just issue proper command in your shell. cmd, bash, PowerShell, or dozens of other console applications have either clear or cls .
To clear your screen do one of the following:
- Issue clear or cls in your shell.
- Press Ctrl+L or other hotkey, if your shell supports it.
- Restart your tab.
Subsequently, question is, how do you clear the console in Python?
You have number of ways doing it on Windows:
- Using Keyboard shortcut: Press CTRL + L.
- Using system invoke method: import os cls = lambda: os. system('cls') cls()
- Using new line print 100 times: cls = lambda: print(' '*100) cls()
Or you can right-click on the node. js project and chose "Open Command Prompt Here" to open a console window to run npm. Or you can right click on the npm node in the project and use the gui tool for managing packages.