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Asked by: Mirsad Kauhsen
technology and computing browsersHow do I close open tabs on my iPhone?
Keeping this in consideration, how do I close open tabs?
Close tabs quickly. Press Ctrl + W (Windows) or ? Command + W (Mac) onyourcomputer's keyboard to close the tab you'recurrentlyusing. Make sure you're on the tab that you wanttoclose before doing this.
Just so, is there a way to close all tabs in Safari?
In iOS 10, users now have the option ofclosingall open Safari tabs in one fell swoop. To doso, simplytap and hold the tab button, and you'll beprompted toclose all open tabs at once.
To close an app, though, simply swipe upwardonthat app's thumbnail until you flick it off ofthescreen. You can close just one app, orclose themall if you like. Once you're done,either tap on anopen app or press the Home button. Turn offbackground apprefresh for that app.