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Asked by: Doaae Thinschmidt
technology and computing wearable technologyHow do I connect my Blackweb headphones?
Subsequently, one may also ask, how do you charge Blackweb wireless headphones?
The headset contains a lithium ion rechargeablebattery. Charge the headset using the suppliedmicro-USB cable. Connect the supplied micro-USB cable to theheadset, and then connect the other end to a bootedcomputer. Make sure that the indicator (red) lightsup.
- Turn on wireless headphones. Make sure they have batteries andthat they're powered on.
- Open. .
- Tap Connections. It's the first option in the settingsmenu.
- Tap Bluetooth. It's the second option in the connectionsettings menu.
- Put wireless headphones in pairing mode.
- Tap Scan.
- Tap the name of the wireless headphones.
Likewise, people ask, how do I reset my Blackweb headphones?
Resetting JVC Headphones
- For pairing just hold power button until the light flashes red& blue. Keep the device within 1 meter. Turn on the desiredBluetooth device and enable pairing.
- For reset just hold power button for 15 seconds and it willreset the headphones.
Press and hold Bluetooth to open Bluetoothsettings. Tap Pair new device. On some devices,Android will begin scanning for devices to pair uponentering Bluetooth settings, and on others, you'll need totap Scanning. Tap the Bluetooth headphones you wish topair to your phone.