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Asked by: Naoual Schmidli
technology and computing computer peripheralsHow do I connect my Bose sound bar?
People also ask, how do I connect my Bose soundbar to my TV?
Connect the soundbar to your TV Note: If your TV does not have an HDMI connectorwith an eARC or ARC label, use an optical cable to connect theTV to the soundbar. An HDMI input must have ARC (AudioReturn Channel) functionality in order for the TV to sendits audio to the soundbar.
- On the remote, press the SoundTouch button.
- Press and hold 9 until all the lights on the soundbar flash,then release 9. The Wi-Fi indicator on the soundbar glows solidamber when setup mode is entered.
Moreover, how do I reset my Bose sound bar?
Press and hold the Teletext button (to theright of the CC button on the remote) for 10seconds until the Wi-Fi, TV, SoundTouch and Bluetoothindicators blink white on the soundbar. The soundbarrestarts and the Wi-Fi indicator on the soundbarglows amber (setup mode) when the reset iscomplete.
A digital optical cable is used to transfer data,usually audio or video, from one source to another. Digitaloptical cables are typically more expensive than other typesof cables, such as coaxial or composite, but are much moreeffective at reproducing a signal through thetransfer.