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Asked by: Xiaoxiong Tzscheppan
technology and computing digital audioHow do I connect my Dante to my computer?
Subsequently, one may also ask, what is Dante Via?
Dante Via is easy-to-use software that deliversunprecedented multi-channel routing of computer-based audio,allowing a wide range of applications and devices to be networkedand interconnected, easily and inexpensively. Watch the Video BuyDante Via.
how does Dante Virtual Soundcard work with Daws?
Dante Virtual Soundcard turns your computer intoa Dante-powered workstation, seamlessly integrating your PCor Mac with Dante audio devices on your network. Instantlyconnect to record, process and playout using any audio applicationand any combination of Dante-enabled devices.
Unfortunately you cannot run multiple instancesof Dante Virtual Soundcard on the same computer. For highchannel count applications, Audinate recommends aDante PCIe hardware soundcard, which nativelysupports up to 128 channels, with ultra-low latency.They are currently available from two leadingmanufacturers.