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Asked by: Zinayida Smita
technology and computing computer peripheralsHow do I connect my PC to my Sony Bravia TV wirelessly?
Correspondingly, how do I connect my PC to my Sony Bravia TV?
Turn on your computer and BraviaHDTV.Switch the input mode on your HDTV tothe“VGA/D-sub” mode to see the videosignal fromyour computer. Right-click on yourcomputer's desktopand select “Screen resolution” toconfigure thescreen resolution and primary/secondarymonitorsetup.
- Make sure that your TV supports Miracast. This is requiredonyour TV to connect wirelessly to it.
- Make sure that your computer has a feature calledMiracast.
- Press ⊞ Win + P .
- Choose "Connect to a wireless display".
- Choose the device from the device list.
Likewise, people ask, can I connect my laptop to Sony Bravia TV?
If you want to connect your Dell laptop toyourSony Bravia TV, there are a couple of ways you cando it,depending on your Bravia and Dell models. Thesecond is byusing an HDMI (High Definition Multimedia Interface)cablefrom the PC to the TV.
Chromecast Screen Casting Google's inexpensive Chromecast offers aneasyway to get your computer's display onto yourTVwithout any cables. Casting your screen overWi-Fiwon't work as perfectly as an HDMI cable, but it's probablytheeasiest way to do wireless mirroring from any nearbylaptopor desktop computer.