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Asked by: Idell Pleba
technology and computing laptopsHow do I connect my PlayStation 4 to my MacBook Pro?
Correspondingly, can you play ps4 on a MacBook Pro with HDMI?
Mac computers can use an HDMI cable oradapter to connect to an HDTV, display, or other HDMIdevice. Mac computers that have any of the following portscan connect to HDMI devices.
Thereof, can you connect a ps4 to a Mac computer?
Surprisingly, it's not: Thanks to the latest systemupdate released for PlayStation 4, it's now possible tostream games directly from the console to your Mac orPC over an Internet connection. Ifyou've got the connection for it, PS4 RemotePlay is an awesome perk for console owners.
Most of the laptops in the market have HDMI outport therefore you cannot connect your PS4 to thelaptop. But if you have a good internet connection(Irecommend atleast 5 mbps) you can use the remote playfunctionality to play PS4 games on your laptop whichis the same as using your laptop's display forPS4.