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Asked by: Idelina Doigner
business and finance job marketHow do I contact Tennessee unemployment?
TennCare's main line phone number is 844-224-5818.Youcanemail, the Tennessee Department of LaborandWorkforceDevelopment at [email protected] If youarecalling longdistance to Nashville from Tennesseeorfromout-of-state then you can call(615)253-8920(Nashville area).
Considering this, how do you qualify for unemployment in Tennessee?
Eligibility for Unemployment in Tennessee
- Your past earnings must meet certain minimum thresholds.
- You must be unemployed through no fault of your own,asdefinedby Tennessee law.
- You must be able and available to work, and you mustbeactivelyseeking employment.
Also Know, how do I file my weekly unemployment claim in Tennessee?
If due to some reason you are unable tofileyourweekly claim within the specified time, you mustplace acallto the UI claims center at1-877-813-0950.
The first, unemployment insurance, isavailabletoworkers of all ages who meet the program's criteria.Thesecond,Social Security, is limited to those who are 62andolder.And if you're eligible for both options, here'ssomegoodnews: You can collect Social Securityandunemployment atthe same time.