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Asked by: Driss Lonbarte
business and finance gasoline pricesHow do I convert cubic feet to square feet?
Likewise, people ask, how many square feet are in a cubic foot?
Square feet and Cubic feet are units ofmeasurement for very different concepts. Square feet areunits of area and cubic feet are units of volume. 16 + 4 16= 80 square feet on liner. The volume of the pool is 4 4 4 =64 cubic feet so I need 64 cubic feet ofwater.
- Calculate your area (see below)
- Calculate your volume: Multiply area times the depth, this willbe volume in cubic feet.
- Calculate your cubic yards: Divide cubic feet by 27 to convertto cubic yards and this is your answer.
- Where (ft2) = square foot, (ft3) = cubicfoot, (yd3) = cubic yard.
In respect to this, how do you convert cubic feet to feet?
If you have measured the dimensions of your item in inchesthen do the following:
- Multiply your length, width and height figures together, givingyou a total in cubic inches (in3)
- Divide the total by 1728 (as there are 1728 cubic inches in acubic foot).
so that box has 2000 cubic foot volume, 1000square foot surface. 1 x 1 x 2000 foot conduit: 4sides, 2000 sqft each 8000 sqft 2 ends, 1 sqfteach, total 8002 square feet surface for the 2000cuft conduit. Conclusion: there is no direct relation betweencubic feet and square feet.