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Asked by: Chrystal Lochschmidt
food and drink desserts and bakingHow do I cook frozen bread dough?
- Coat loaf pan with non stick coating cooking spray, Place frozen bread loaf in pan and cover with plastic wrap coated sprayed with non stick cooking spray.
- Let rise until double until loaf is 1" above pan approximately 4-7 hours . Carefully remove wrap.
- Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Also asked, can you cook bread dough from frozen?
Using Frozen Bread Dough Keep the loaf wrapped in the plastic and let it thaw overnight in the refrigerator. Place the thawed dough in a greased bread pan, cover, and let it rise on the counter. Bake the bread at the temperature and length of time described in the recipe.
In this regard, how do you cook frozen dough?
Place your frozen dough in your baking pan or on the kitchen counter in a draft-free location. It is very important that the dough is always covered with plastic wrap. Allow plenty of time for thawing (2 to 3 hours for bread dough, 11/2 hours for roll dough).
The quickest way to thaw frozen bread dough is in the microwave. Spray a microwave-safe plate with nonstick cooking spray and place the dough directly on the plate. Microwave on the defrost setting, uncovered for three to five minutes. The dough may still need some time to rise, depending on the type of dough you have.