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Asked by: Lijuan Forst
hobbies and interests freelance writingHow do I create a closed Facebook group?
In this regard, how do I make my Facebook page a closed group?
Select “Closed” from thePrivacydrop-down menu to create a private group. Clickthe“Create” button to create yournewprivate group. Facebook will take you to thegrouppage and automatically add the members to thegroup.Return to the Facebook business page andpost a linkto your group in the commentssection.
Hereof, how do I start a Facebook group?
Here are 10 tips for running a successful Facebook grouptogrow your business:
- Know your purpose.
- Do your research.
- 3. Make it appealing.
- Recruit the right people.
- Set clear guidelines.
- Provide strong leadership.
- Welcome and engage members.
- Keep the conversation going.
Pages act as profiles for entities, whilegroupsact more like places for like-minded communication.People whoshare common interests and want to express their opinionsina safe forum will either join or become part of agroupfor these purposes.