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Asked by: Yudelkis Luedicke
technology and computing databasesHow do I create a directory in git repository?
- Go to the folder inside which you want tocreateanother folder.
- Click on New file.
- On the text field for the file name, first writethefolder name you want to create.
- Then type / .
- You can add more folders similarly.
- Finally, give the new file a name (for example, .
Just so, how do you create a directory?
Type "mkdir [directory]" at the command prompttomake the directory. Use the name of yournewdirectory in place of the [directory] commandlineoperator. For example, to create a directorycalled"business," type "mkdir business." Be aware that thiswillcreate the directory within the currentworkingdirectory.
In this regard, what is a git directory?
the .git folder contains all the informationthatis necessary for your project in version control and alltheinformation about commits, remote repository address etc. Allarepresent in this folder. It also contains a log whichstoresyour commit history so that you can roll backtohistory.
git clone is primarily used to point toanexisting repo and make a clone or copy of thatrepoat in a new directory, at another location. Thefirstcommand initializes a new Git repository in themy-projectfolder on your local machine and populates it withthecontents of the central repository.