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Asked by: Dorin Hinnerkort
technology and computing web hostingHow do I create a .htaccess file in Windows?
To create htaccess file using Notepad on PC,rightclick on the desktop or a blank area in any folderinFile Explorer, then choose New from the pop-up contextmenu,select Text Document, this will create a . txtfileon your PC desktop or any other folder on yourcomputer. DoNOT try to rename the text file to.
Simply so, how do I create a .htaccess file?
On the web server:
- Log into your cPanel account.
- Navigate to the File Manager section.
- Click on the + File menu option at the top lefthandcorner.
- Type in “.htaccess” – without thequotes“” of course as the new file name.
- Specify the folder you want the new file placed in.
- Click on the Create New File button.
- Navigate to the folder or desktop, you would like to createyourfile. For example, My Documents.
- Right click an empty section of the folder windowordesktop.
- Select "New" from the context menu.
- Select the type of file you'd like to create.
- Enter a name for the newly created file. Open the new filetoedit it.
In respect to this, how do I open a .htaccess file in Windows?
To Open the File Manager
- Log into cPanel.
- In the Files section, click on the File Manager icon.
- Check the box for Document Root for and select the domainnameyou wish to access from the drop-down menu.
- Make sure Show Hidden Files (dotfiles)" is checked.
- Click Go.
- Look for the .htaccess file in the list of files.
.htaccess is a configuration file foruseon web servers running the Apache Web Server software.These.htaccess files can be used to alter the configurationofthe Apache Web Server software to enable/disableadditionalfunctionality and features that the Apache Web Serversoftware hasto offer.