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How to Handle a Toxic Relationship
- Accept that you are in a difficult situation,dealingwith a very difficult relationship.
- The other person will probably tell you that you are thecauseof all their bad feelings.
- Tell the truth.
- If you feel angry or afraid, bring your attention to yourbreathand do not speak (or write) to the person until you feelcalm.
Also, what are the signs of a bad relationship?
7 Signs You're in a Toxic Relationship
- Passive aggressive behavior. If you can feel something iswrongbut when you ask, "What's going on?"
- Volatility.
- "Jokes" that aren't really jokes.
- Walking on eggshells.
- You feel like you have to ask permission.
- Constant exhaustion.
- Becoming isolated.
- You don't like yourself in the relationship.
- There isn't perceived equity in effort.
- You don't feel loved.
- You know you don't love them.
- You love them, but you don't like them.
- You are putting your life on pause.
- The negative outweighs the positive.
Besides, how do you end an unhealthy relationship?
- Make a commitment. Decide once and for all you're going toendit.
- Enlist support from family and friends.
- Make a clean break.
- Don't try to be friends.
- Don't feel you need to rescue your partner.
- Fill the void.
Abusive behavior. A red flag is a good intuitive image to helpyouprocess what you're really feeling. At the end of adifficultrelationship, people often say, “He (or she)told mewho he (or she) was at the very beginning, but I justdidn'tlisten.” Learn to trust what you feel. Your hunch isprobablyright.