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Asked by: Sienna Fontainhas
music and audio tv and film podcastsHow do I delete all my comments on YouTube?
- Sign in.
- Open the Watch page for the video you left the commenton.
- Click the "All comments" link.
- Find the comment you want to delete.
- Click the small triangle on the right side of thecomment.
- Click "Remove"Ensure that you are logged in with the correctchannel if you don't see the "Remove" option.
Furthermore, can you delete your comments on YouTube?
YouTube users can now go back anddelete any comment they have published in the past byclicking a new button that appears in the “TextComments” section below the video. Unfortunately,you can only delete your owncomments.
- On the Review tab, under Comments, click Next to select acomment.
- On the Review tab, click Delete. To delete all comments atonce, click the arrow next to Delete, and then click Delete AllComments in Document.
Herein, how do I find all my YouTube comments?
Click "History" at the top or scroll over the usernameat the top and click "Account." The Account section has acomprehensive list of features. Click "History" and visit eachvideo to find comments. Use the Video Commentsfeature in the Account section to find personalcomments that have received a reply.
Open Youtube - find the post you commented on.Use your cursor to hover over your comment click tobelow given edit option in the right corner of yourcomment. Make your changes -click to Save your rightcomment.